Comforting Greek Soups for Winter

Winter is the perfect time to eat soup, and these Greek soup recipes are the perfect fit. There are soups made from all kinds of ingredients, but the one thing they have in common is that they will warm even the coldest of days. These soups are all simple to prepare, you just need to leave plenty of time for them to simmer.

Beef Soup with Vegetables (Kreatosoupa)

If you are a fan of soups, this easy recipe is perfect for you. It takes only three ingredients and less than an hour to make. It’s also a great way to use leftover meat, but it can be cooked directly in the soup. As far as the vegetables go, you can add whatever you want; the key is that they have to be fresh and preferably seasonal. This tasty soup will give your family a fantastic meal without having to spend too much time in the kitchen while they are trying to unwind from a long day at work.

Greek Tomato Orzo Soup (Manestra)

This is the perfect soup to serve when you are going to a party or having guests over. It’s sure to impress, and there are no leftovers. This soup is quick and easy, and it uses only a few ingredients. It’s also low in calories and high in nutrients. The main difference between this recipe and traditional recipes for tomato soups is that simple tomatoes are used instead of tomato sauce. If you have time, try making your tomato sauce instead of purchasing it from the store, or you can actually use fresh tomatoes.

Greek Chickpea Soup (Revithia)

This is another soup your family will want to make all year round. It’s easy to prepare, and it tastes fantastic. Not only can you use canned or leftover chickpeas, but it’s also a great way to use up some of the fresh vegetables that you have in your fridge. You can add whichever ingredients you want; remember that they have to be fresh and preferably seasonal. For example, some fresh tomatoes and cucumbers would be perfect this time of year.

Greek Bean Soup (Fasolada)

If you have ever had bean soup before, you will love this one. It’s quick and simple, and it tastes delicious. Using canned or leftover beans is perfect. The only difference is that you will need to combine them with some fresh or frozen ingredients for the best result. This recipe is typically made with onion, carrot, celery, tomato (fresh tomatoes, tomato paste, etc) and beans of choice. Typically, the soup is made with navy beans.

You should consider making this soup the next time you have a craving. They can be made year-round, but they are especially perfect in the winter.